How Do You Know You Have Parasites

There's a myth that intestinal parasites and parasitic diseases are rare and hard to contract. These microscopic hitchhikers are more common than you think, and they don't only affect your digestive tract.

Symptoms of a parasite often manifest equally gastrointestinal distress, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. These invaders can wreak havoc on your entire torso, from your brain to your liver. Some of them accept the potential to cause bug that can last years. Parasites can also contribute to inflammation, immune harm, and even autoimmune activation.

Helminths and protozoa are the two principal types of abdominal parasites. Helminths are multi-cell parasitic worms such as pinworms, hookworms, tapeworms, and roundworms. Protozoa are microscopic, unmarried-cell parasites. Since they're invisible to the naked eye and don't always cause immediate symptoms, protozoa are much harder to detect. People can live for years not knowing they're infected.

How Do You Get Parasites?

Most people don't realize how easy it is to go infected with a parasite. Hard, protective cysts that surround the parasite allow a long life cycle and easy manual. Protozoa are particularly easy to pick upward via the oral road, equally all it takes is one cyst to make it into the oral cavity for infection to occur.

Traveling to countries with underdeveloped sanitation and poor quality drinking h2o is one way to pick upwards a parasite, simply it isn't the just way. Outside of travel, some of the virtually common ways you can get parasites are:

  • Swimming — some parasites thrive in water, and chlorine doesn't kill them all. All information technology takes is ane accidental eat of water from a public pool, hot tub, or river.Fresh produce in mesh bag
  • Food — unwashed produce and undercooked seafood are a perfect hiding spot for parasites.
  • Caring for others — assisting others in personal hygiene like bathing and diaper changes puts you at gamble for parasite exposure. That makes daycare centers and nursing homes some of the easiest places to selection upwardly a parasite.
  • Outdoor activities — you can infect yourself with a parasite if you don't wash your hands after outdoor activities like gardening or horseback riding.
  • Drinking contaminated water — contamination of public drinking water in the The states isn't common, merely it does happen. According to the CDC, if you get your h2o from a well, you're at a much higher risk. This is especially true subsequently flooding, which can leach contaminated runoff into individual wells.

Symptoms of Parasites

Unlike parasites crusade many dissimilar symptoms, and some tin mimic other infectious diseases. Whether the culprit is a helminth or protozoa, the almost recognizable symptoms of a parasite are:

  • Gastrointestinal distress — since parasites take upwardly residence in the intestines, this is where the most damage occurs. Diarrhea, constipation, gas, bloating, and nausea are all common symptoms of parasites.
  • Weight loss — parasites can cause nausea and poor nutritional absorption, which tin can atomic number 82 to weight loss.
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome — parasites steal your nutrients and disrupt your intestinal microbiome, resulting in fatigue and brain fog.
  • Anemia — some parasites feed on red claret cells, which tin crusade anemia.i
  • Joint pain — there's a known link betwixt parasite infections and arthritis, which causes joint pain and swelling.2
  • Bruxism — the clenching and grinding of teeth, is a little known symptom of parasites that'south most mutual amidst children.3
  • Fevers — several different parasites can cause fevers. While most mutual at the time of initial infection, this can also be a symptom of chronic or untreated infection.

Intestinal parasites are also a known crusade of some inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. In fact, many autoimmune diseases can take an infectious trigger as the root cause, including parasites, bacteria, viruses, or fungi. iv

The Virtually Common Intestinal Parasites

Most people are familiar with helminths, commonly referred to as abdominal worms. Surprisingly, few people are every bit familiar with protozoan infections, despite these being some of the most common intestinal parasites in humans. Some of the most common protozoa in the Us include:


Cryptosporidium is a parasite often found in farm animals. It spreads through contaminated h2o sources. Cryptosporidium has a stiff outer trounce resistant to chlorine. This makes it notoriously difficult to kill. Cryptosporidium is the most common crusade of parasitic infection via public pools and h2o parks.v

Infection is called cryptosporidiosis or "crypto." It causes watery diarrhea, airsickness, fever, and abdominal pain. Symptoms of crypto usually start ii-10 days subsequently infection.five The worst of it usually lasts for a calendar week or two, only if left untreated y'all can get recurrent affliction flares well after the initial infection. Importantly, we've seen higher rates of Cryptosporidium in some patients with chronic illnesses such as Lyme affliction. While the reasons for this aren't entirely clear, nosotros hypothesize that people with tickborne illnesses are oft immunosuppressed, and this might put them at higher risk for intestinal parasite infections, also equally other gut infections and imbalances. Since it'southward known that Cryptosporidium is more than likely to cause chronic illness in people who are immunocompromised, this hypothesis is well-supported.half-dozen


Blastocystis is one of the most common intestinal parasites in the US. Since it doesn't cause obvious symptoms for anybody, it was originally idea to be non-pathogenic and harmless. We've since learned that Blastocystis tin crusade both acute and chronic disease.7

There is a known link between Blastocystis and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It's likewise strongly connected to chronic fatigue and joint pain. In 1989, one study institute that a very high number of people who tested positive for Blastocystis accept likewise been diagnosed with IBS.eight Chalking their symptoms up to IBS of unknown etiology, Blastocystis was dismissed equally a coincidental finding, supporting the impression that it was harmless. Subsequent studies have examined Blastocystis in the absence of other known illnesses, and prove supports that this parasite is actually capable of causing IBS itself.8

Numerous strains be, and researchers are nonetheless sorting out which ones are near likely to brand people sick. Just i affair is for sure — not all strains of Blastocystis are the harmless hitchhikers they were once idea to be.

Many providers still adhere to the old school of idea that handling is unnecessary.9 At CCFM, we follow the most upward-to-date research. That's why nosotros test for Blastocystis and usually treat information technology when information technology's detected, especially if people are having gut issues, fatigue, or articulation hurting.

Giardia lamblia

Like Cryptosporidium, Giardia  lamblia is also chlorine-resistant and it loves h2o. This parasite lives in the small intestine and causes an illness known every bit Giardia  duodenalis or Giardia  intestinalis. Symptoms of giardiasis include fatigue, nausea, diarrhea, gas, bloating, and abdominal cramps. Severe infections can cause dehydration and malnutrition.10

Giardia has some of the most debilitating long-term furnishings when compared to other parasites. A study published in 2014 plant that nearly 40% of patients who had Giardia feel residual IBS and chronic fatigue syndrome for upwards to six years later on initial infection.11Giardia-related bowel inflammation tin can be severe, disrupting the gut lining and causing increased intestinal permeability (as well known equally "leaky gut") for years afterward.12 Giardia tin also persist and crusade long-term problems, such as eye disease and arthritis. Untreated Giardia has been found to crusade sudden-onset lactose intolerance.13

Since children are more susceptible to Giardia infection, it's ane of the about mutual reasons of parasitic outbreak amid childcare centers.

Iodamoeba bütschlii and Entamoeba histolytica

I. bütschlii and E. histolytica are both amoebas.14 The elderly and immunocompromised are specially vulnerable to infection past amoebas. Outbreaks commonly happen in nursing homes and other community living facilities.

Infection of E. histolytica is called amoebiasis.xiv Early symptoms of amoebiasis include abdominal cramping and diarrhea. If left untreated, these parasites tin travel to the liver and grade painful abscesses. They too travel to the brain, lungs, and spleen.15

Iodamoeba bütschlii is an amoeba common in pigs and humans. Much similar Blastocystis, information technology was also previously thought to exist non-pathogenic, but there have been challenges to that thought in contempo years.16 1 written report published in Oxfords' Molecular Biological science and Evolution journal reported that loftier concentrations of Iodamoeba have been linked to episodes of diarrhea and abdominal hurting.17 This same study institute that Ioadamoeba is an incredibly diverse organism, meaning that different strains may pose a higher risk of causing illness than others.

Considering the unpredictability of Ioadamoeba, we believe the benefit of treating information technology outweighs the gamble of leaving it unchecked.

Toxoplasma Gondii

Toxoplasma Gondii causes a illness known as toxoplasmosis. It's estimated that upwards to one third of people living in the United states of america have been infected at some point in their lives.18

T. Gondii is nearly oft transmitted through contaminated drinking water and undercooked meat. Since cats can host the parasite, transmission is possible if hands aren't washed thoroughly after cleaning their litter boxes.

Symptoms include swollen lymph nodes, fever, sore pharynx, and muscle aches. T. Gondii can cause inflammation of the encephalon that results in headaches, vision changes, and even seizures. Information technology can likewise collect in the lungs and crusade a fever, coughing, and shortness of breath.

Non everyone who gets infected with T. Gondii becomes ill, but it'south very dangerous for those with weakened immune systems. Meaning women should be especially cautious, every bit unborn children are susceptible to birth defects, including hydrocephalus and microcephaly, as a result of toxoplasmosis infection while in utero.19

Woman holding stomach pain

How to Treat Intestinal Parasites

Different parasites require different treatment methods, so obtaining an accurate diagnosis is critical. Testing involves checking the carrion for cysts or larvae. Claret tests can also observe certain parasites and x-rays may be helpful for helminths.

At CCFM, we perform intensive testing for gastrointestinal health. This is oft a mainstay of our diagnosis and treatments. Since testing for dissimilar types of parasites on stool samples is highly variable and requires expertise, sometimes tests can miss an infection. Therefore, our providers treat based on a combination of detailed history, symptoms, and test data. Based on all of this data, your clinician volition recommend the best individualized treatments and medications for the infection.

Diet is also central when information technology comes to treating and preventing parasites. A good for you abdominal microbiome is disquisitional for good wellness, whether y'all've had exposure to parasites or non. Eating certain foods and avoiding others can help your body forestall and fight abdominal parasites, and restore your gut immune organisation.

Foods with probiotics and Vitamin C support a salubrious microbiome and make y'all less susceptible to infection. Garlic, beetroot, pumpkin seeds, carrots, and papaya seeds all have anti-parasitic qualities.

If you think you've been exposed to parasites, avert dairy, processed foods, and alcohol. Unproblematic carbs and foods high in saccharide give fuel to parasites, so limit them as much as possible.

Don't Ignore Your Symptoms

In a culture that'due south hyper-focused on alleviating symptoms rather than finding the root consequence, there's a concerning gap in the treatment chain.

It's easy to take a pill and make a symptom get away temporarily. Few finish to enquire why the problem happened in the first identify. It's a question that deserves an answer. If left untreated, abdominal parasites can crusade lasting damage and chronic illness. If you're struggling with a chronic disease that has evaded proper diagnosis and treatment, make certain parasites are considered as a possible trigger.

If you're experiencing symptoms of a parasite infection, click here to book your initial consultation with us.

At CCFM, we see symptoms as clues, not something that should be covered upward or ignored. We're defended to uncovering the root crusade of your affliction and helping you become your healthiest cocky. Wellness is a journey, only it's ever within reach.


  1. Gopalakrishnan, S., Anantha Eashwar, Five. Chiliad., Muthulakshmi, M., & Geetha, A.. (2018). Intestinal parasitic infestations and anemia among urban female person school children in Kancheepuram district, Tamil Nadu. Journal of Family unit Medicine and Principal Care. Retrieved from https://world wide Accessed 2 December 2020.
  2. van Kuijk, A. W. R., Kerstens, P. J. S. G., Perenboom, R. M., Dijkmans, B. A. C. , & Voskuyl, A. E.. (2003). Early-onset polyarthritis as presenting feature of intestinal infection with Strongyloides stercoralis. Rheumatology. Retrieved from Accessed 2 December 2020.
  3. Norouzali Tehrani, Grand. H., Pestechian, N., Yousefi, H., Sekhavati, H., & Attarzadeh, H. (2010). The Correlation between Intestinal Parasitic Infections and Bruxism amidst 3-6 Year-Old Children in Isfahan. Dental Enquiry Journal. Retrieved from https://world wide Accessed 2 December 2020.
  4. Burgess, S. Fifty., Gilchrist, C, A., Lynn, T. C., & Petri, Jr., W. A. (2017). Parasitic Protozoa and Interactions with
    the Host Intestinal Microbiota. Infection and Immunity. Retrieved from Accessed 2 December 2020.
  5. CDC (2019). Parasites - Cryptosporidium. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved from Accessed 2 Dec 2020.
  6. CDC (2017). Parasites - Cryptosporidium: Disease & Symptoms. Centers for Illness Command and Prevention. Retrieved from Accessed 2 December 2020.
  7. Blastocystis Inquiry Foundation (2019). Blastocystis Infection More Closely Associated with Diarrhea than Eastward. Histolytica or Giardia. Blastocystis Research Foundation. Retrieved from than-closely-associated-with-diarrhea-than-east-histolytica-or-giardia/. Accessed 2 December 2020.
  8. Boorom, K. F., Smith, H., Nimri, Fifty., Viscogliosi, E., Spanakos, 1000., Parkar, U., Li, Fifty,-H., Zhou, Ten.-North., Ok, Ü. Z., Leelayoova, S., & Jones, Grand. Southward. (2008). Oh my aching gut: irritable bowel syndrome, Blastocystis, and asymptomatic infection. Parasites & Vectors. Retrieved from Accessed 2 December 2020.
  9. Blastocystis Research Foundation (2019). Physician Written report: Metronidazole can Worsen Blastocystis Infection. Blastocystis Inquiry Foundation. Retrieved from Accessed 2 Dec 2020.
  10. Harvard Medical Schoolhouse (2019). Giardiasis. Harvard Medical School. Retrieved from Accessed 2 Dec 2020.
  11. Hanevik, K., Wensaas, K.-A., Rortveit, G., Eide, G. E., Mørch, & Chiliad., Langeland, North. (2014). Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Chronic Fatigue half-dozen Years Afterwards Giardia Infection: A Controlled Prospective Cohort Study. Clinical Infectious Diseases. Retrieved from Accessed 2 December 2020.
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  13. Halliez, M. C.M. & Buret, and A. G. (2013). Extra-intestinal and long term consequences of Giardia duodenalis infections. World Journal of Gastroenterology. Retrieved from Accessed 2 December 2020.
  14. Silva Santos, P. H., Santos Barros, R de C., Galvão Gomes, K. V., Alves Nery, A., & Casotti, C. A. (2017). Prevalence of intestinal parasitosis and associated factors among the elderly. Revista Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia. Retrieved from Accessed 2 December 2020.
  15. Kantor, M., Abrantes, A., Estevez, A., Schiller, A., Torrent, J., Gascon, J., Hernandez, R., & Ochner, C. (2018). Entamoeba Histolytica: Updates in Clinical Manifestation, Pathogenesis, and Vaccine Development. Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. Retrieved from Accessed 2 December 2020.
  16. Cohen, J. (1996). Metronidazole to articulate intestinal parasites. The Lancet. Retrieved from Accessed 2 December 2020.
  17. Stensvold, C. R., Lebbad, Thou., & Clark, C. K. (2012). Concluding of the Human Protists: The Phylogeny and Genetic Variety of Iodamoeba. Molecular Biology and Evolution. Retrieved from Accessed 2 December 2020.
  18. Hill, D. & Dubey, J. P. (2002). Toxoplasma gondii: transmission, diagnosis and prevention. Clinical Microbiology and Infection. Retrieved from discipline/article/pii/S1198743X1462509X. Accessed 2 December 2020.
  19. McAuley, J. B. (2014). Congenital Toxoplasmosis. Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Illness Society. Retrieved from Accessed 2 Dec 2020.

  • Lyme Disease,
  • Antimicrobial,
  • IBS,
  • Giardia,
  • Toxoplasma,
  • Parasites,
  • Travel,
  • Tickborne,
  • Crypto,
  • Blasto,
  • Amoebas

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